雅虎7to continue to provide search for Big Pond mobile
雅虎7has renewed its contract with Sensis – as a search product provider for Big Pond mobile.
悉尼,星期一2010年11月29日——雅虎!7and Sensis have signed another two year contract to provide Yahoo!7’s mobile search product for BigPond mobile users.
涉及移动搜索由Yahoo !成立于2008年,当时雅虎7and Sensis signed their first partnership agreement with the objective of enhancing the search experience for consumers on mobile phones, while providing new and exciting opportunities for advertisers.
艾玛·哈林顿网络管理主任,雅虎7said, “The continuation of our relationship with Sensis is another example of our success in building strong strategic partnerships, as well as our commitment to mobile search. Accessing information through mobile platforms is on the increase and our partnership with Sensis provides Sensis customers with a world-class mobile search experience.”
“在过去的一年里增加了180%的使用涉及移动搜索由Yahoo !,这可以归因于更出色的用户体验和局部相关性如当地新闻、天气、事件和业务上市。必威可以一次提200万吗我们肯定是看到人的兴趣访问搜索手机增加,”她说。
“黄页是最全面的企业名录来源,越来越多的用户现在依靠移动搜索找到他们需要的信息。扩展涉及和雅虎之间的伙伴关系7will ensure that mobile users will continue to have highly relevant information at their fingertips, wherever they may be,” he said.
雅虎移动搜索与各种全球领先的移动运营商的合作关系。该公司公布了雅虎引2.0 2007年1月,持续提高提供让用户可以启动搜索的速度使用文本或语音和访问相关信息通过整合内容与出版商,如涉及。
来源:雅虎7and Sensis press release