Visa任命AU NZ和South Pacific的新营销主管
Visa已任命Natalie Lockwood担任澳大利亚,新西兰和南太平洋副总裁,营销主管的职务,取代Jac Phillips他离开自己的教练业务。

娜塔莉·洛克伍德(Natalie Lockwood)
洛克伍德(Lockwood)的职业生涯在澳大利亚和东南亚工作,从事金融服务和支付行业。在签证之前,她曾在ASX Limited担任营销总经理,在那里她花了两年半的时间。在亚洲,洛克伍德(Lockwood)曾是亚洲越南埃奇(Edge Asia)的董事总经理,是亚太地区,中东和非洲区域营销的小组负责人,在全球万事达卡(Mastercard Worldwide),她在那里度过了12年。娜塔莉(Natalie)还曾在澳大利亚花旗银行(Citibank Australia)工作,并在Westpac开始了她的职业生涯。
签证’s group country manager for Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific, Julian Potter, said of the appointment: “During her time with Visa, Natalie has fostered strong relationships with our clients and this, coupled with her diverse marketing experience within companies across the Asia Pacific region, puts her in a fantastic position to lead the direction and evolution of Visa’s client focused and purpose-led brand strategy and marketing execution in what are innovative and important markets for Visa.”
洛克伍德(Lockwood)补充说:“在付款迅速发展的时候,我很高兴能在澳大利亚和新西兰领导Visa的品牌战略和营销执行。Over the past year we’ve seen consumers embrace digital technology and change the way they pay, and I’m looking forward to helping Visa demonstrate how we connect the world through our innovative and secure digital payments network, because Visa is much more than a credit card company.”