前期季节:迈克尔·斯蒂芬森(Michael Stephenson)为什么我们不会在斯坦(Stan)上看到广告,而九个即将到来的板岩
在穆布雷卡斯特(Mumbrellacast)的前期系列赛中,九的迈克尔·斯蒂芬森(Michael Stephenson)通过活动中的一些主要收获进行了交谈,包括为什么如果没有任何广告,为何将时间投入到Stan,而Galaxy的迁移是如何跟踪的(以及为什么Holdcos是holdcos的原因领导这),为什么它将继续在其演讲中逐步发展,并更深入地了解九个更新的更新。
首席销售官迈克尔·史蒂芬森(Michael Stephenson)在首个Mumbrellacast的预期播客系列中发表讲话时说:“我们不需要将广告放入Stan。我们已经有了广告资助的流媒体产品,叫做9now。”
Questioned why “Australia’s Media Company” would devote a portion of its time to its exclusive 1500-person guest list, if ad space was not available any time soon, he says the point of showcasing it was to show the strength and breadth of content production.
“但是,就斯坦而言,会有广告吗?好吧,如果您要购买我们的橄榄球覆盖范围,当然,九个集成的所有集成都会被吸引到Stan Sport Platform。”

“I think if you’re an advertiser and you were spending money on digital video today, I suspect the smart ones would take their money away from social video like YouTube and Facebook and move that into Netflix and BVOD, as opposed to moving any of their advertising dollars today from 9Now, 7Plus or 10Play into Netflix.”

“但是要做到这一点,您必须选择一个媒体合作伙伴,因此,如果媒体机构浮动其前期承诺的大部分时间,我会感到惊讶。但是当然,我们在这里准备好,愿意并且能够进行比较长期远的对话,但是如果人们确实决定这样做,那就这样吧。我无法控制。We will be there every day producing great content that delivers bigger audiences than anybody across all platforms, and I reckon we’re a pretty good partner, not perfect by any stretch, but we’re most things to most people, we’ve got the best content we’ve got the best data, and we’ve got the best technology.”
Across the rest of the conversation, Stephenson speaks about why Nine’s content will deliver “52 weeks of prime time dominance”, how it aimed to deliver a more progressive strategy around its upfronts, why the five holding companies are seeing far greater uptake of its buying platform, Galaxy than the independents, and why now linear TV remains the only way for advertisers to reach one million people tonight.