ASX上市的Nine Entertainment Co.今天发布2022全年财务业绩显示Stan的收入增长了22%,达到3.812亿美元,这是由于ARPU增长了9%,并且活跃的Stan订户增长了250万(同比增长6%,2022年2月增长)。
体育订户也增长了强劲 - 在第四季度,Stan Sport的平均活跃订户比去年同一季度高150%以上。
九位首席执行官迈克·斯内克比(Mike Sneecby)表示:“对体育,活动和原创作品的投资也在Sta必威可以一次提200万吗n中继续 - 这仍然是澳大利亚领先的当地流媒体服务。该策略继续发展订阅者,并为未来建立更强大,更具差异化和宝贵的业务。
随着ARPU2的接近两位数增长,这导致22%的收入增长为22%。30%的成本增加主要反映了Stan Sport的投资增加。Ex Sport,成本增长了约16%,反映了NBCU和Starz/Lionsgate产出交易的升级,以及Stan Originals的推出。
Overall, EBITDA of $29m reflected a period of strategic investment – both in Originals to diversify Stan’s content sources and build a long-term library asset, and in live content, primarily Sport, as a key differentiator to other entertainment-based streaming platforms in Australia.
斯坦’s expanded slate of Nine Originals was launched with strong results, particularly from the movie Gold, starring Zac Efron, and series including Bump Season 2, The Tourist (co-produced with BBC and HBO Max) starring Jamie Dornan, Wolf Like Me (co-produced with Peacock) starring Isla Fisher and Josh Gad and the first two installments of the new Revealed documentary series co-produced with Nine, Amongst Us – Neo Nazi Australia and No Mercy, No Remorse. In FY23, Stan is expecting to further expand its Originals commitment, with 20 currently slated for release.
Stan仍然是来自世界各地的高级独家和图书馆娱乐内容的关键聚合,黄石(派拉蒙),Death Death(NBCU),Better Call Saul(Sony),Billy the Kid(MGM)和Power Persance(Starz)/狮门)所有证明是流行的。