indieWIRE gave the film a B+, and agreed on the award-winning potential of Browning’s performance: “The movie will scare off a lot of audiences and distributors, and Leigh (who has several other projects in the works) has firmly put herself on the map as a director to watch”.
“More tiresome than anything […] Leigh’s arty (not to be confused with artistic] treatment of the subject matter derives from her own screenplay, though the film’s frustratingly elliptical style and lack of character insight give it a distinctly first-draft feel,” said各种Peter Debruge。
但愿这首歌能像安娜·科基诺斯(Ana Kokkinos)的《启示录》(Book of Revelation)那样让人开怀大笑……
回复It just goes to show that the proven criteria needed to even enter into a discussion with Screen Australia about developing a project is a a rusty old gate that keeps out the majority but works for those that can manipulate the system with the secret handshake, nod and a cheeky wink. A funding agency that was set up to help support “Filmmakers” now supports “Authors” who would like to “try their hand at Directing”. Simply slaps in the face of all those Directors who have accumulated massive debts through education systems or via trying to fund their own work. Could Screen Australia point out to the many..why this Proven Criteria exists on various applications? Or is it just there as a form of elaborate protectionism for the “in-crowd”. Irrespective of how great the screenplay was..why does a first time Director get past the rusty old gate that stifles innovation and is allowed to direct her first feature? No shorts, No TV air time..just straight into a feature. Even David Michod had made a few shorts before he was given the greenlight for AK.
回复澳大利亚在《心跳之远》中保持沉默,为什么这只火鸡被点头了,没有透明度,没有辩论或讨论,只是静音,什么都没有。你保持沉默的时间越长,人们就越坚定他们的观点。这么说可能有点奇怪,但是澳大利亚电影协会,你要对你所支持的行业负责,你不是一个凌驾于责任之上的实体。你刚刚宣布了另一项功能的开发资金,但这一标准不适用于导演/制作人。那到底是怎么回事?透明度请. .
米格尔……我不是说这部电影不好,我要去看,我觉得预告片很吸引人。我的观点一直是,已被证明的标准是不公平的,澳大利亚屏幕在他们如何做出这些决定方面缺乏问责和透明度。鞋子只适合能穿它的人,但大多数人甚至不能进去试穿。那么他们是怎么做到的呢?他们决定采用什么样的模型。简·坎皮恩做导师?很好,聪明,奇妙的. .然后为每个人推出一个导师资助计划?这就是创新。为什么只有一部电影? The trailer has been a huge success on Vimeo and I feel it will find an audience. I applaud innovative filmmaking, but don’t understand why Screen Australia stifles innovation..more often than not. if you look at what I’m saying I’m actually trying to give advice that can improve their image and create the kind of industry that is diverse and innovative. I’ve seen how the system works from the inside Miguel..and I was sickened by it.
回复耶稣人 - 睡美人看起来不像我的一杯茶,但它进入戛纳的事实必须考虑一些东西。
回复我再次没有睡美人的问题,这部电影在我看来是一个雄心勃勃的非主流集电影。我希望睡美美的世界,并觉得它会在本地偏离观众,并在海外发现更大的较大,应支持创新的电影。但它的发展是遵循SA所载的经过验证的标准指南,该指南适用于这个国家的99%的电影制作人吗?不,它没有。How many of us have been thwarted from applying for funding, or simply told “sorry you haven’t ticked that box, you ticked all these, but you didn’t tick this one and until you do, sorry we can’t help you”, I’d say a large percentage of filmmakers have had that discussion with funding bodies at least once in their careers, but does that discussion unfold the same way for everybody, does that box need to be ticked by everybody? Obviously not, so whats the alternative? Maybe a mentor based program needs to be implemented? I think this could be a an ambitious development pathway for many aspiring and emerging filmmakers looking to develop their first feature.
回复事实上,澳大利亚电影界很少有人会喜欢这个剧本。但是它们会变得愚蠢的黏糊糊的,因为它是哦!!简! !现在,他们会发表一些积极的评论,谈论他们是如何勇敢地支持一位有着独特声音的艺术家的。
回复如果这种特殊待遇是作为普通政府计划的一部分进行的 - 如同eeducation革命 - 参议院会有问题,它会威胁首席执行官和参与者的管理人员。
Glenn - 给我你的地址,我会给你一个亲笔签名的DVD。