Simplot在关闭Dentsu Aegis的Huckleberry之后播放11.9M媒体账户
大型食品公司简单的公司在最近的比赛之后将其1190万美元的媒体账户汇总决定关闭全方位服务Dentsu Aegis Agency Huckleberry,羊皮会透露
The agency today declined to comment on anything to do with the account but it is expected that it will line up to defend the media account, which includes major brands such as Edgell, Birdseye, Lean Cuisine and Leggo’s, with a raft of Melbourne media agencies thought to be looking to challenge for the work.
“Simplot Australia已经证实它正在审查其最近由Dentsu关闭IT Huckleberry Office的决定之后审查其媒体代理期权,”Simplot的发言人说。
该帐户最初由米切尔举行,但被迁至哈克比尔州在2012-13之间发生在本集团内发生的甲板的洗牌期间在Harold Mitchell的出发之前,克拉成为集团中最大的机构。
6月份蒙布拉揭示了Dentsu Aegis将寻求关闭哈克贝利并会咨询现有客户关于他们想要移动的小组内的地方。
创意代理Bwmdentsu墨尔本,最近被Dentsu Aegis获得的,持有公司的创意账户。
NIC Christensen