丽莎·罗森(Lisa Ronson)离开科尔斯
Coles首席营销官Lisa Ronson在实施新的定制设置后仅几周就离开了零售商,“史密斯街”。
罗森(Ronson)前往LinkedIn宣布今天下午的举动:“今天,我感到悲伤,我宣布我决定从Coles Group继续追求许多令人兴奋的新职业兴趣。我要感谢Coles在过去三年半的时间里给我的所有支持和机会。在某些非常具有挑战性的时期,Coles取得了成功的一部分,并看到该公司成长为澳大利亚最值得信赖的品牌之一,我感到非常自豪。”
它是零售巨头的奇特时机,这是三周前作为“史密斯街”设置的一部分,将Omnicom重新任命为营销组合与Mumbrella报道的Deloitte Digital一起。这也比Coles为2022财年提供完整的财务业绩仅一周。
目前尚不知道谁将在科尔斯接替罗森,但是现在正在进行搜索。利亚·韦克特(Leah Weckert)同时将担任营销角色。
科尔斯集团首席执行官史蒂文·凯恩(Steven Cain)今天下午在内部发送了一封电子邮件,该电子邮件阅读:
“经过三年多的COLE,首席营销官Lisa Ronson决定离开业务来追求外部职业兴趣,包括非执行董事职位以及她在Deakin University担任兼职教授。考虑到她未来的愿望,丽莎最近完成了AICD课程。
“Lisa also led a number of significant commercial and community partnerships including the AFLW/AFL, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, and Aussie Ark. Notably, during Lisa’s time, Coles became one of Australia’s most trusted brands, which is a significant milestone we can all be proud of.
“我们正在与丽莎进行过渡安排,并预计她将在9月离开科尔斯。我们已经开始了本地和全球的搜索来填补这一重要的ELT角色,在此期间,我要求Leah Weckert承担营销责任。五个营销通用汽车将过渡到9月中旬有效的Leah。”
She continued: “During my time at Coles, I’m immensely proud to have developed a strong, highly engaged Marketing team and led a number of milestone achievements: leading the digital transformation of our marketing communications, launched the exciting Coles Media business, landed our ‘Value the Australian Way’ brand platform and breakthrough ‘Together to Zero’ sustainability platform. I’m also grateful to have also led a number of important commercial partnerships and community programs such as AFL – Australian Football League & AFLW, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Aussie Ark.”
该主题是在最近的《 Mumbrellacast》中讨论的。