JCDecaux已与Wangaratta Council和Cole Media合作,以促进在南部十字架站进行沉浸式营销活动,参加该地区当前的旅游活动。
领先的户外媒体公司JCDecaux已与旺加拉塔(Wangaratta Council)和科尔媒体(Cole Media)合作,以促进在南部十字架车站(Southern Cross Station)进行沉浸式营销活动,参加该地区当前的旅游活动。
JCDecaux首席营销官Essie Wake表示:“使用强大的,互动的数字技术,JCDecaux的创意解决方案团队帮助将Wangaratta乡村地区最受欢迎的旅游活动带入了墨尔本狂热之心的观众。看到有多少户外发展为一个频道,以及受众的感觉如何,到达数字优先的体验,这真是令人兴奋。
该活动包括为期两周的现场直播激活,将该地区的最佳位置直接带到墨尔本CBD,并具有虚拟现实的经验,使路人可以被运送到该地区,以获得风景,小径和地窖门的品尝者。其他活动包括在热气球场景中获得自拍照机会,以及赢得一系列奖品的比赛 - 包括周末到国王谷的度假胜地。
Wangaratta乡村市议会的市场和传播专家Sadie Tilleray评论说:“令人兴奋的是,通过激活使我们地区的美丽栩栩如生,我们对竞选活动和收到的积极反馈感到非常兴奋。
“这是旺加拉塔(Wangaratta)农村城市第一次开始进行这一规模的运动。We worked with JCDecaux to create a unique and innovative experience that captured the attention of commuters and showcased the range of experiences on offer to drive awareness to the region and promote the Rural City of Wangaratta as a destination of choice for a weekend getaway,’’ she added.
The Rural City of Wangaratta launched their ‘Get Away from the Everyday’ campaign at the beginning of July, positioning a series of scenarios that compare everyday activities with a ‘get away moment’ and inviting commuters to swap their sandwich for the scenery or the stairs for the skies. Artworks with variations of the ‘Get Away from the Everyday’ slogan were displayed throughout the station and included: large double-sided hanging banners, 3m high lightboxes, 5m lift shaft lightboxes, platform glass barriers, main entrance signage, stair risers, and several floor graphics plus 85-inch television screens giving maximum exposure to potential visitors to the region.