
IPG Mediabrands推出全球内容工作室

IPG MediaBrands宣布推出12个全球市场的Mediabrands Content Studio。


IPG MediaBrands今天宣布,该机构网络正在扩展其创造性内容练习,并在全球范围内推出了12个市场。MBCS是一种数据驱动的内容实践,基于媒体提供了媒体提供了哪些内容以最引人注目和个性化的方式将品牌与人联系起来。MBCS将专注于为各地创建MediaBrands客户的内容策略,具有专注于三个新兴内容类别的方法:与媒体合作伙伴的品牌内容机会;数字内容推动性能和参与;和品牌推动的长期和短型原始内容。Mediabrands已任命Brendan Gaul作为全球首席内容官员领先的内容工作室,全部市场努力,并向Daryl Lee,Mediabrands Global CEO报告。


“As the founder of UM Studios, and a pioneer in original content development for brands, Brendan has been at the forefront of the content revolution, playing a pivotal role in our clients’ ability to connect their brands with powerful stories that move culture,” said Lee. “Brendan represents the best of Mediabrands – entrepreneurial drive, respectful collaboration and a focus on innovation that matters to our clients. I have no doubt Brendan will make great strides for Mediabrands in the content space and I look forward to the success he achieves in his newly expanded role.”

在他的新职位上,高卢将领导MBCS在全球主要市场的内容能力,以确保代理网络继续为其客户及其品牌设定内容的黄金标准。高卢曾担任澳大全球首席内容官和澳大工作室(澳大的创意内容部门)负责人。高卢于2006年从麦肯公司加盟澳大,同年在一家媒体公司成立了第一家以创意为主导的品牌内容工作室。不久之后,他执掌UM Studios,与强生、可口可乐和宝马等全球品牌合作,与媒体合作伙伴设计品牌内容,与目标受众产生共鸣。


高卢开创了原创内容开发的模式,创造了品牌资助的长篇内容,如纪录片、脚本电影和电视节目。高卢领导了获奖纪录片《5B》的开发、执行和发行,使UM Studios成为这一新兴领域的领军者。5B已经获得了许多奖项,包括戛纳雄狮大奖赛,Clio Grand, One Show金铅笔奖,并在现代艺术博物馆永久收藏。

Gaul is recognized globally as a thought leader in content, serving as a jury member at the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and Brand Film Festival NY, a member of the Advisory Board for Brand Storytelling at Sundance and as part of Google’s advisory board of global creatives in the Google Assembly. He has been recognized as an Adweek Media All-Star and was named to The Internationalist’s list of Agency Innovators.

资料来源:RMG Communications媒体发布




