罗素·豪克罗夫特(Russel Howcroft)说,政府需要像疫苗活动中的零售商一样思考。
昨晚,在ABC的Q+A,3AW早餐主持人和Ad-Man上,Russel Howcroft在迄今为止有关联邦消息传递的对话中提出了他的疫苗活动创意的推销。
如果罗素·豪克罗夫特(Russel Howcroft)获得了1000万美元,只有其他小组成员用于疫苗接种广告,结果会是什么样?#QANDApic.twitter.com/5fpwgek11l
- QANDA(@QANDA)2021年7月22日
“What we would do,” as Howcroft gestured to the Q+A panel, which also featured former opposition leader Bill Shorten, MP David Gillespie, writer Astrid Edwards and former Olympian Libby Trickett, “we would put on something highly entertaining, we’ll put on a song and dance, and our performance would be rudely interrupted by a politician at a press conference, “at 11:59, we are going to be in lockdown,” with the show to be continuously interrupted by government messaging.
为了使澳大利亚人进入疫苗接种现场,Howcroft还建议联邦疫苗活动的资金目前没有削减,称他对总理斯科特·莫里森(Scott Morrison)引用的4000万美元数字感到惊讶。
“ 4000万美元是很多钱,但是在击败我们的交流所需的交流方面并不是很多钱。您必须像零售商一样行事,零售商花费了1亿美元以传达信息。
“A friend of mine, who lives in New York said, ‘maybe what you need to do in Australia is build mock-morgues and stick them at the end of each street,’ because that’s actually what she experienced for real,” said Howcroft.
本月,西蒙·雷诺兹(Siimon Reynolds)是1980年代“ Grim Reaper”运动背后的创意告诉Mumbrellacast,需要将恐惧注入消息传递中。
Howcroft还指出,公司竞选活动在疫苗消息传递中扮演着角色,称体育和艺术机构可以发挥作用,因为他强调了维多利亚时代艺术运动本周,以及喜力海内肯(Heineken)在海外的疫苗活动,以及约会App BLK的疫苗叮当声。
Shorten commented on the current progress of the vaccine campaign by saying that the government messaging has created a ‘cloud over the AstraZeneca” which has undermined confidence, staying that you can have all the campaigns in the world, but they need to be backed up by facts.