
Elle Macpherson,Nicole Kidman和Jennifer Hawkins:Stellar如何鼓励读者在星期天坐下来读论文

自2016年推出以来,Glossy杂志恒星旨在成为生活方式和女性杂志周围谈话的最前沿。现在庆祝其第三个生日,曾任的Sarrah Le Marquand,在打印已经“死”后,追溯推出打印标题并确保采访没有其他人得到。

2016年是合适的时间推出印刷出版物,专注于女性的生活方式内容吗?如果你看看统计数据,那么关于已经肆虐的印刷死亡的辩论可能不是。但如果你看看恒星的成功,那么周日电报的光泽周末标题也许是。编辑总裁Sarrah Le Marquand肯定会这样做。

Stellar Editor-in-in Chief Sarrah Le Marquand

“你必须尊重读者所在的地方,现在,在澳大利亚的一个星期天,人们还在读周日报纸。周日电报和周日先驱阳光是该国最读数的两个。That audience is already so massive, it’s really helped Stellar carve out this special claim, and then it’s about building integrity and trust, and while that can live on in any medium, I do think print is the natural home of products that people feel like they can trust,” says Le Marquand.

一部分恒星寻求构建观众的方式是通过对艰难的对话的组合来源的组合,与令人惊叹的摄影相匹配,这将在高端时装头衔中,因为它在恒星中。这些内容是重要的部分,Le Marquand说,打印刚刚碰巧成为提供它的最佳媒介。

“我的前编辑之一,回来的时候,当我在日常电报时,大卫彭伯斯·彭伯蒂斯会说,当CD创造时,它被视为音乐行业的死亡,就像数字当数字推出时被认为是被认为是死亡print, but the mistake in making the comparison between those two was that we’re not CD or vinyl manufacturers. We’re songwriters. So while the medium may change, the content will live on. At the moment I just happen to be editing a magazine, but I think Stellar could live on in any medium. Talk to me in a couple of years, because I’ve got a lot of ideas for how Stellar could live on when I’m in a nursing home and we’re in a post-print world.”


马昆德所指的内容是《恒星》杂志在同一时期推出的名人采访和照片,包括在海曼岛发行的一期《Elle Macpherson》,这一期受到了世界各地出版物的关注。在“恒星”诞生一周年之际,妮可·基德曼身着亚历克斯·佩里的舞会礼服在洛杉矶跳入泳池,据美国小报称,这张照片是她“最佳拍摄”的一部分。两周年的卡卡杜国家公园看到了米兰达Tapsell击中,为数不多的出版物拍摄批准,本月早些时候,珍妮·杰克逊封面刊登在世界,包括出现在《早安美国》,它被称为“罕见”和“坦诚”的采访。

本周末是标题的第三周年,并庆祝他们回到海曼岛上有怀孕的Jennifer Hawkins,他在几个月内欢迎她的第一个孩子。

Stellar的第三周年封面,具有Jennifer Hawkins的第一次怀孕射击

“怀孕的时候,我们拍摄了第一次拍摄,所以我们和我们一起碰到了,我们三年前从Elle Macpherson拍摄了一个完整的圈子。Jen was a total trooper, getting out of bed at 4am so we could shoot at sunrise, but hopefully when people see the cover they’ll agree it was worth getting out of bed for because the light broke so beautifully and I’m so happy with how it’s come out. It ticks all the boxes for us – iconic Australian woman, iconic Australian location, beautiful images, exclusive story, but there’s a lot of heart to it too and substance, Jen was very gracious opening up about how nothing in life is ever really easy and her difficulties along the road to motherhood. We’ve been very fortunate and I think it’s one of those stories that sums up everything Stellar has become known for in the last few years.”

第三周年问题还将看到格式的一些新的补充,包括将康复页面的发布在美容页面上运行,Le Marquand所说的东西是为了回应读者在健康和福祉中越来越兴趣,而且添加亲爱的Stellar Agony Aunt样式页面。恒星的差异有问题是临床心理学家jo veall,而不是一个名人或媒体个性,因为勒马德·玛基感觉到这个页面有重量很重要,而不是有人有人拥有喜剧输出的机会很重要或索地盒语音他们的意见。



Le Marquand非常有信心,认为“恒星”具有巨大的品牌价值。她说,在Stellar强大的编辑声誉和吸引人的产品的支持下,他们越来越关注长期的商业合作。

“那些没有参与的分钟是我们开始失去的那一程,这真的很特别的地方,我们在澳大利亚市场中为自己创造而努力。When we work with brands, it’s very much about seeing how we can work with them organically and what will deliver the results they’re looking for, because readers expect a certain level of intelligence and substance, which isn’t unique to Stellar, but with the trust we’ve built and the fact people come and share our stories with us, we’re really now harnessing that more in the way we work with brands. It’s about being able to look at what they want and say ‘Ok, here’s the story we can help you tell that’s organic to us and will resonate with the Stellar reader.’”


特别是,该品牌一直在社交媒体上的存在,Instagram轻松借给了这些编辑内容恒星产生的。随着它的第一个社交媒体编辑器在去年的最后一年中,在过去的12个月内出现的60%出现的最佳表演帖子,Le Marquand相信唯一的方法就是起来。她说,这个标题的访问权限有人才,加上幕后镜头和顶级化妆师的机会,他们可以做美容日常视频,社交媒体是品牌的天然途径,以便继续超越印刷产品,以及广告商开始想要一只脚在门口。

“我们的内容表现得如此之好,我们实际上发现品牌现在想要随时与我们一起工作,然后在自己的社交媒体平台上使用内容。在所有这些执行中,我们已经超过了KPI,事实上我们去年我们与一个品牌合作并超过了KPI的300%,“La Marquand说。

“We’re definitely not living in a world where we’re like ‘Yay we don’t have to worry about digital and social media’, we’re certainly pouring resources into that, but I think for me as editor-in-chief it’s important to not take my eyes off the main goal. And right now, when you’re looking at the majority of our audience, they’re sitting down on a Sunday and reading the newspaper.”




