Dentsu任命Ferrah Dagli为ANZ首席人物
牙齿今天,已任命法拉·达格利(Ferrah Dagli)为澳大利亚和新西兰业务的首席人民。
达格利(Dagli)加入了澳新银行(ANZ Bank)的Dentsu团队,在那里她与银行的零售,商业和数字部门合作,领导和重新想象新数字银行的人才和文化组成部分。

法拉·达格利(Ferrah Dagli)
With more than 15 years of experience managing major transformation and change projects, Dagli will be responsible for leading the development and implementation of dentsu ANZ’s integrated people agenda, bringing together capabilities from across media, creative, digital, data, and CXM in one unified approach.
在ANZ地区,截至6月21日,BWMisobar品牌将不再存在,Haystac和Cox Inall将开始合并,然后在三个月内退休,以在全方位服务的创意公司Dentsu Creative,Dentsu Creative,Dentsu Creative,由首席执行官Kirsty Muddle领导。Cox Inall Ridgeway将仍然是该地区Dentsu的独立品牌。
Of the appointment, Angela Tangas, CEO dentsu ANZ, said: “As an integrated teaming business with creativity at our core, we are committed to prioritising best-in-class talent development and people solutions, and in many respects, we’re well ahead of our peer group. Ferrah has an impressive background in designing high-performing, integrated teams, proven to drive horizontal growth and solve the problems of tomorrow, today. Joining us, she will continue to champion our dentsu University, leadership development, and broader people initiatives, while unlocking new ways to attract, retain, and grow great talent ensuring our people have the best years of their career with us.”
法拉·达格利(Ferrah Dagli)在任命时说:“我很高兴加入Dentsu的ANZ首席人物。在这些破坏性和不确定的时期中 - 培养和有目的地发展人才并优先考虑强大,包容和多样化的文化,比以往任何时候都更为重要。Dentsu的人才优先思维,专注于高性能和丰富的遗产文化(由好人组成!)吸引了我担任这个角色。我期待与整个领导团队合作,以帮助抓住机会,并在我们将业务带入下一个增长阶段的情况下已经建立了高绩效团队。”
在澳新银行(ANZ)之前,达格利(Dagli)在伦敦与威利斯·塔沃斯(Willis Towers Watson)和汇丰银行(Willis Towers Watson)和汇丰银行(Willis Towers Watson)和汇丰银行(Willis Towers Watson)担任角色。她将加入Dentsu ANZ领导团队,将于7月4日星期一开始,并将直接向被任命为首席人物Dentsu Apac的卢克·斯派斯(Luke Speers)报告。