
本·福特汉姆(Ben Fordham)从广播回到2020年,与生病的父亲共度时光

2GB的主持人本·福特汉姆(Ben Fordham)在今年余下的时间里从开车时光节目退后一步,与他的父亲共度时光,他的父亲正在与喉咙癌作斗争。



“Today, I’ve got a bit of a challenge on my hands because my dad, who hasn’t been well for some time, has been told that his fight against throat cancer is not going to be continuing, which is a tough thing for him, and for our whole family,” Fordham said.

“And I’ve spent the day with him today and I’ve actually made a decision late yesterday that I’ll be wrapping up the radio show either at the end of today or tomorrow and that’ll be it for the year, so that I can spend some time with dad.”

约翰·福特汉姆(John Fordham)上个月陪同儿子参加了澳大利亚商业广播奖,福特汉姆(Fordham)赢得了最佳演讲主持人。

“I was lucky enough, maybe a month or so ago, to take him to the radio awards in Brisbane, and he really wasn’t well enough to go, but he came anyway, and I went along, and he was there on the night to see me win a major award,” Fordham said.



福特汉姆补充说,他“昨晚在广播电台上与老板交谈,我刚刚说:‘看,我认为我最好在今年余下的时间里与爸爸在一起。”It’s an opportunity to spend time with him, whether it’s “driving around there and having a cup of coffee, not that he’s drinking coffee at the moment, or reading the newspaper, or listening to the radio, or having a bit of a chat”.



福特汉姆(Fordham)指出,他的父亲会听这场演出,为了纪念他,他播放了他最喜欢的歌曲,并促进了头颈癌基金会,约翰·福特汉姆(John Fordham)今年成立了该基金会,以资助该疾病的研究。





在最近的GFK无线电评级调查中悉尼的2GB在驱动器中有8.6%的份额,该股份为4pm至晚上7点。福特汉姆(Fordham)从下午3点至下午6点播出,此时罗斯·格林伍德(Ross Greenwood)接管了。福特汉姆(Fordham)还共同主持澳大利亚忍者战士(Ninja Warrior)。




