昨晚在墨尔本举行的小组赛上发表讲话,由喜剧演员和电视名人亚历克斯·李(Alex Lee)主持,包括UM澳大利亚首席执行官,Anathea Ruys,Medibank高级高级主管,品牌,市场营销与CX,Fiona Le Brocq,Creative of Creative of Creative of Creative of Creative of Creative of Kantar Asia的洞察力。以及M&C Saatchi副创意总监Irene Joshy,TBWA,Dhivia Pilai的高级策略师Sarah Vincenzini,Dhivia Pilai的高级策略师,以及Icon Agency的集团帐户总监Niall Hughes讨论了女性在广告代表方面继续面对的许多刻板印象。

L-R:Irene Joshy - Kantar;Anathea Ruys-澳大利亚;Fiona le Brocq - Medibank;戴安娜·希尔(Dianne Hill) - 维多利亚女子健康;Dhivia Pilai - TBWA;Sarah Vincenzini - M&C Saatchi;尼尔·休斯(Niall Hughes) - 图标代理
在这项研究中,Shequal对598名广告专业人士进行了调查,发现30%的行业员工犹豫不决地召集性别歧视或刻板印象的内容或广告内容中的刻画“由于担心负面后果”,而其他关键原因被认为“没有感觉到”was their place”, they “weren’t senior enough”, or they had a “lack of experience”.
At the event, hosted by Icon Agency, the panel discussed the seven ‘recurring stereotypes in depictions of women in advertising, those being: The Model Mother, The Passive Little Girl, The Observed Woman, The Sexualised Woman, The Pretty Face, and The Ticked Box. Additional women found to be broadly absent from ads include women with disabilities, women with larger bodies, queer women, older women, and women of colour – particularly First Nations women.
Medibank的Le Brocq在活动中与Mumbrella进行了交谈,谈到描述公平代表并避免了品牌营销产出中的刻板印象,以及在生产创意工作方面所面临的挑战,这些创意工作灵活地在多个渠道上进行交付。
勒布罗克(Le Brocq)表示,在她在私人健康保险公司任职的六年任期中,决策过程继续变得“容易得多”,因为该品牌越来越多地描绘了其工作中的多样性和准确的代表性,并取得了成功。
“As a CMO, thinking about how you get something through the business, you need the trust of the people who you want to endorse the work that you’re doing, and I think the best way to do that is for them to understand the problem you’re trying to address. Personally, in my role, it’s becoming much easier to make those decisions because we’ve proved with some of those decisions that it performs better when you do it.”
On a question about why some categories, using gambling as an example, continue to over-produce ‘blokey’ content, as opposed to ones more broad-churched categories such as insurance that Medibank sits in, Le Brocq said that brands have to attempt to break out of the stereotypical norms.

Medibank的Le Brocq
她说:“您必须找到一种独特的方法。”“即使在我们的类别中,我们仍然这样做。我们想打破规范类别。You then have to keep moving and evolving because when you do break the category norms, which I think we have done in several ways along the years, as soon as you’ve done that, you then have to move on and do the next thing and you look at a new way to do it.”

该小组由喜剧演员亚历克斯·李(Alex Lee)主持
“我们的数据表明,描绘妇女的行业的意图和行动之间存在脱节,”维多利亚州妇女健康的首席执行官黛安·希尔(Dianne Hill)说。“令人鼓舞的是动机存在,但缺少的作品是关于2022年的表现的公开对话。”
该指南以及视频和社交内容部分是由Icon Agency创建的昨晚活动创建的,希望推动“关于女性在创意内容中的代表性的急需的对话”。
希尔继续说:“澳大利亚人平均每天看到5,000 **广告,因此很难高估他们必须影响人们观点的力量。”“对于女性的健康和福祉至关重要,广告不会增强有害期望和社会规范。一个好的起点是消除女性在广告方面的讽刺漫画,并用更现实和多样化的女性代表代替她们。”
Icon Agency的医学博士和联合创始人Joanne Painter表示:“通过广告,讲故事和沟通来挑战不平等,始于行业中的人们。性别和文化多样性在图标的DNA中深深地根深蒂固。他们是骄傲的根源。在图标,我们致力于确保我们创造的工作提供对澳大利亚复杂性和多样性的现实描述。”